A rare picture shown Trogermorton in his own inimitable self.
I am looking for more pictures, Trogermorton and his
history. His name crops up on various forums and chat rooms but nobody seems to
know much about him. All information appreciated.
Moore Street without the hustle and bustle. Everyone has gone to the parade wearing their best finery. I have taken this shot using a Zeiss Icon camera (1967) with Tesser 35mm lens. www.varietyireland.com
Moore Street is famous for fruit and veg and great bargains in flowers. Missus Albany a leading MooreStreet florist relates: "Years a go Saturday morning was our busiesty for flower sales. Ya see himself would come home mouldy from a Friday nights drinking, a row would happen and sometimes more then words were exchanged. Early next morning ya could see the men buying the makey ups. Alack! It’s a different world today".
The Lifeboat Shop Rathmines Dublin closed, May 2008 after forty years. I hope the donations are coming to land. We all need a life boat by times. (Angela Melia centre leaving shop for the last time. Angela gave seventeen years voluntary unbroken service )
Camden Street Fire Six units of the Dublin Fire Brigade attended the scene of a fire on Camden Street today.(03/02/2012) Offices belonging to Timothy McEniry, well known and respected Solicitor,64 Lower Camden Street, Dublin 2, were destroyed by fire. Timmy as he is affectionately called shimmed down a drain pipe to safety.I am told he was the last to leave building, calling aloud abandon ship. Best wishes for the future Tim.click here to see the video